20 April, 2008


Yes, another birthday in the house! Estuardo will be 2 years old on Tuesday, but since I have to work that night, we decided to have his party tonight. "Shrek," of course, was the theme...
The boy has been paying attention to all the other birthdays. As soon as I set the cake in front of him, the candles were blown out...I had to relight them to get a picture...
Notice the fork...he was ready...he thought he was going to get the whole cake...
He just loved all of his presents.

The showstopper was when Dad brought out the pick-up truck...

See ya later...
I had to take him outside at 7:30 at night so he could get a good drive in...then he came in, took a bath, and spent several more hours getting acquainted with his other presents. At around ten, he finally curled up on my lap and fell fast asleep...
Happy Birthday, little man...

13 April, 2008

Happy Birthday, KORY!!!!!!!!

A new tradition, especially for 12th birthdays...a few cans of shaving cream...
This is actually Kory himself...
Oops, a little leaked onto Jesse...
and Marisol... Estuardo was worried about cleaning up the mess...
Okay, time for cake and wishes...
Look, Mom, I can eat this with my hands!
Did he notice what it says??
Kory's double...
WOW, Mom got me KARATE LESSONS!!!!!

08 April, 2008

Pics at the mall...

These are kinda hard to see, but we had fun Saturday at the photoshoot at Kiddie Kandids...