13 November, 2009

Timosha is going HOME!!!

I just found out that my little prayer boy is going HOME to his birthfamily. His mother has notifed Reece's Rainbow that she has decided to bring him back home, and also to advocate for the other children in his region with Down Syndrome. Wow, talk about the power of prayer. I never dreamed that praying him home would pray him HOME. Tears of joy for Timosha and his family!

01 November, 2009

Happy Halloween! (Whoopee cushion part II)

Kory the Red Ninja
Marisol the Glitter Witch
Estuardo Spiderman trying hard to see through the tiny eye holes in his mask
Mattea's first Trick-or-Treat...she was SO excited!!!
Jesse laughed about this costume for three day straight waiting for Halloween to come
The whole of us!