13 November, 2009

Timosha is going HOME!!!

I just found out that my little prayer boy is going HOME to his birthfamily. His mother has notifed Reece's Rainbow that she has decided to bring him back home, and also to advocate for the other children in his region with Down Syndrome. Wow, talk about the power of prayer. I never dreamed that praying him home would pray him HOME. Tears of joy for Timosha and his family!


  1. Crying happy tears too! Waiting to hear for my own prayer angels!

  2. it's a good week at RR. my little prayer angel just got chosen by a family. she was just DAYS away from going into an institution. praise God for these happy outcomes!

  3. Wow, your life looks busy!

  4. How amazing! Reading your post literally just thrilled my heart.

    If you'd like to pray for these next few days of testing for Parker and the surgery he has coming up soon.......I'd love it!
