07 September, 2007


I just got off the phone with our co-ordinator. Our case has been kicked out of PGN for a typo on our homestudy. Now I have to try to get a hold of our local social worker to send an addendum, get the addendum notarized, certified and authenticated, express it to Guatemala, and wait. This really sucks...


  1. Un-FREAKIN'-Believable. I'm stunned. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I bet Angelina and Brad never had to go through crap like this.

  2. I am sorry Lou. I hope you can get this corrected and get back in PGN soon, so you can get out forever! Are you with PH? We are, just got PA and are in PGN, and I am thinking PH is your agency but not sure. Anyway, take care and try to hang in there.
