17 December, 2007

Just plain excited!!!

Between the Christmas holidays and our upcoming pick-up trip, and even the thought of having 5 weeks off from work, I am just plain excited!!!!! I spent my days off this week working on finishing up my Christmas shopping, and I got to work on sewing a new supply of cloth diapers for Estuardo, as he has outgrown his last batch. This coming week I want to get Christmas presents wrapped and ready, sew up some diapers for my granddaughter, mail off long-distance Christmas packages. Next week, once Christmas excitement starts to calm down, it will be time to PACK!!!
I got Onnolee's DNA results the other day and they came with a beautiful color Polaroid photo. She is just getting so pretty!! I can't wait to see her again, and this time we won't have to give her back.



    Can you see how big my grin is!?

  2. Sounds like you have been having loads of fun. LOL Onolee has always been beautiful!!

  3. Lou...I am just plain excited with you! Hopefully, our case will be following close behind yours in completion! I'm so ready to have our daughter home with us! Enjoy your pick-up trip and if you have room for a ziplock, email me at cherifortner@hotmail.com. Thanks. Cheri
