06 April, 2009

Marcus Timur and Macey are home too!!!

These precious angels were also in the orphanage with Mattea. In fact, Macey was in Mattea's groupa! They just got home yesterday to live in America with their new family! This is so awesome! All in one week! And little Slava will be on his way home next month. Wow. I wonder if the orphanage is getting the "message"?


  1. Wouldn't it be cool if an orphanage had to shut down for lack of business!! It is so exciting that all these kiddos are (almost) home.

  2. that WOULD be great!
    Also, I wanted to leave a message saying I added your button to a post on my blog :)
    And also, I made ruslana a new button if you wanted to update it :)
