14 May, 2009

GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a $15 co-pay!!! Our insurance finally got its act together just in time, as we only had one dose left. Mattea has her Viagra!!! And she is doing fantastic!

My husband, in his usual tactful way ;o) says that maybe Dr. L refused to prescribe the Viagra because he was afraid Mattea would be taking away from his share.

Thank-you all so much for your prayers!!! We were ready to go to Canada if we had to, but this will be a lot easier.


  1. Wow! $15! That is great news!!!

    Still going to Denver?

  2. Yes, definitely going to Denver! Dr Ivy in Denver is the one who wants her on the Viagra so he can re-cath her in a few months. Now we just have a few weeks head start! Yay! Her sats were 85 today on ONE liter! Before the "V", that took almost 3 liters even when she wasn't sick. I am thrilled!

  3. YEAH! I almost suggested hubby getting the prescription for himself and then sharing it, but that wouldn't have been right either. So glad God took care of it!
