01 May, 2009

We just fired the cardiologist...

Today was the last straw. We were so excited that the pulmonary hypertension specialist at Denver Children's Hospital was going to help us with Mattea. He was supposed to call her local cardiologist, the infamous Dr. L and give him the details about prescriptions he wanted her to start taking as soon as possible. Well...of course we have heard nothing all week from Dr. L so I called his nurse this morning. She told me she knew nothing about what I was talking about and would call me back this afternoon. She actually did call back. Seems Dr. L refuses to go with the program and is saying if we want Mattea to be taking the Viagra we will have to take her to Denver to get it. So...we are hoping to hear back from Dr. Ivy on Monday. Denver here we come!


  1. how absolutely ridiculous.

    today i spent all day trying to get a prescription that my neurologist wrote for, but forgot to sign the paper script (had it all ready, put it in an envelope, and we got it only to see he'd forgotten to sign it) with no luck. my primary care doctor refused to write the scripts for me - even though he could see in the computer (our HMO has EVERYTHING in our profiles) that the neurologist really did authorize it, and that it really hadn't already been filled.

    sometimes i think doctors have some pact to keep them all in business - that they each make half their patients angry so that other doctors can make money off of them too.

    praying you'll get this all figured out - sometimes doctors are amazing, and sometimes i think they're in the wrong line of work cuz they just make everything so COMPLICATED!

    - michelle

  2. God Bless you as you advocate for you daughter, Lou! You GO girl!
    Rockledge, FL

  3. Yikes. And GOOD FOR YOU! Is there another cardio local that can set you up? You'll want someone nearby in addition to the one in Denver. Prayers and good job!

  4. Yes this is getting frustrating, and no we don't have a replacement yet. I was so hoping to stay in the hospital where I work, but looks like we may have to try another one. Grrr...but I am up for it. She is certainly worth it all.

  5. Well I never! Maybe the doc in Denver can help you find someone local that will cooperate? These doctors do know that people talk, don't they?

  6. He has not impressed us from the get go. He just finally gave us a major reason to fire him. I don't figure he thought we'd ever actually call up to Denver on our own. Guess he was wrong...

  7. Oh, brother!!! I would have fired him, too!! Surely there's another cardio nearby...??

    How far is it to Denver for you?

  8. Mapquest says about 442 miles and 4 hours...yikes that is driving fast. I am guessing about 5 or 6 hours drive. Not too terrible, almost all freeway.

  9. That is ridiculous. Sounds like it would be as if a doctor here in the Houston area told us to go to Dallas to get it! Perfect picture of the doctor at the top of your blog entry.


  10. I guess you could count the miles as bonding time...So sorry about your doctors not communicating. Did the Dr. L give any research or case studies on why this was so bad or did he just refuse to talk about it? Even though you are an RN it is difficult sometimes to get the care you need yourself! Still praying for you! God Bless!

  11. Can the doc in Denver call in a prescription to a local pharmacy for you, or fax his orders for Viagra and any other meds to her pediatrician? That would save you a trip. If he can write down what he wants MAttea to take and fax it to the ped.....could that work you think?

  12. Hi Lou and Stew. I just finally had a chance to catch up on all the ups and downs of the past few weeks. The kids all look great, I love Estuardo's Peeps-eating method.

    Lou, I'm so proud of you, the discipline and attention it takes to rework your eating habits in the midst of so much else to do and organize for the kids must have been daunting at first...you're really in the swing of it now! Don't get too skinny on me!

    You know I just got out of the hospital, I don't even want to start on my lifelong disappointment in doctors, their egos, attitudes and insane colleagues. I'm sort of glad that you're going to Denver over attempting to wrangle at home with the pain-in-the-butt cardio. How dare these doctors short-change and devalue Matteas life like this! I know you'll get her what she needs.

    Faith, always.


  13. Glad to hear yo fired him.....sound lik ehis ego was more important to him than the health of a little girl!

    We are keeping you in our prayers!
