04 August, 2009


We made it to Denver Children's by ten this morning to check in for surgery, a little early. Mattea's surgery was scheduled for 1:45 and we were told this doctor usually was pretty much on time, so we hung out in the playroom after being assigned to a pre-op room and changing Mattea into some hospital pajamas. Estuardo and Mattea played, played and played some more. The ENT doc came out around 1:45 to tell us they had to wait on the cardiac anesthesiology team and they wouldn't be free till 4 p.m.(!!!!!). Meanwhile, Jesse and Estuardo were HUNGRY (and I am sure Mattea was too). The good thing was they found a volunteer to come sit with Mattea while we went to get something to eat. Finally, at 4, they took her in to surgery. About 2 hours later, she was transferred up to the cardiac intensive care unit where she would spend the night. Since they don't currently allow children into the ICU, again they found us a volunteer, this time to play with Estuardo while I went in to see Mattea. He cried and clung to me but I passed him to her anyway and he eventually did fine. Mattea came through with flying colors!! By the time I got in to see her she had already eaten FOUR popsicles!! They gave her grape ones, and the ENT team were a little concerned when they came in because her lips were purple, too funny. She was awake and alert and upset because they had restraints on her arms so she would leave stuff alone. And a little froggy voice came out when she tried to hoot and holler. All in all, she did great! So I left her in good hands and went after my little man. He was on the floor playing with the volunteer and giggling. After we left, he asked about the "doctor mommy" who was playing with him. He said "I am going to miss her so much!"
Back at Ronald McDonald House, we were treated to a prepared meal by volunteers then headed out to Super Target for berries and cherries for Mom (me). Estuardo, of course, found another superhero "guy" for his action figure collection, and fell fast asleep before we got back. He's sleeping soundly next to me right now.
Jesse is doing great too. He has made some teenage friends here who come after him to play foosball with them, so he's in his glory.
No pics till we get home. I actually remembered the camera but I left the battery in the charger at home...


  1. Glad she is doing well. Hope she is pain free. I just had it done myself about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Praying for a fast recovery for her.

    She is so adorable (as all your kids are). I have been following your blog since before you guys had her but not sure if I ever commented.

  2. Hope everything is going well! I have been thinking of little Mattea!
