10 September, 2009

in between.

This is a very frustrating week. I am on light duty at work and my boss is now off for a week, so I am kind of fending for myself. Insurance is in the process of paying the bank, but I can't commit to another car until the gap insurance is in process cause none of the banks will approve the loan until then. I am anxious to be able to get rid of these crutches but then regret trying by the end of the day when my foot is swollen and hurting.
Estuardo is doing great with his preschool. He has minimal trouble with good-byes in the morning and talks about the kids at school when he gets home. He's wearing real underwear finally, all the time except at night. Little Gym is going great on Saturdays too now that he knows he is supposed to stay with the class and not just run around.
Onnolee had her first lesson last Saturday and she was a little scared at first but then had a really good time with Daddy as her partner.
Mattea is into everything, getting pretty quick on her feet, and much more aware of things and people around her. She is eating well and we think she is finally starting to grow a bit.
Marisol is preparing to transfer into the state school for the blind this coming weekend. I think she's excited and nervous both. She will leave Sunday afternoons, 4 1/2 hours away to Alamagordo, and then they will bus her back on Friday afternoons. She will be totally immersed in braille and mobility stuff for the rest of the year, and maybe next year also.
Kory is thriving at his new school and brings home tons of homework. I spoke with his counselor today and so far so good.
Jesse's fine too, living the leisurely life, waiting for a place of his own through ARCA.
Stew's been excited about canning this year. 2 weeks ago we canned 2 bushels of peaches and now we are working on pears. Tiring but productive. He just ordered a new freezer and wants to go get some corn to freeze now.
School is going well. I am finishing up yet another class this week, yay. Still trying to find time to sew. And my Beatles Rock Band Limited Edition is waiting on my doorstep, thanks Amazon.com!

1 comment:

  1. I am just getting around to checking blogs. I am so glad you are ok after your wreck. What a scary thing! I love to catch up on all the pictures of the kids. Mattea is growing and looks very good and different from when you first brought her home!
