02 September, 2009

I lived

I totaled my van yesterday morning on the way home from work. I did see my life flash before my eyes, thought I was going to die. Next thought, thank you Lord, I didn't die. The ambulance attendant practically yelled at me, why are you crying, you aren't hurt that bad. Then I sat in the waiting room from 8:30 a.m. till 3 p.m. with broken bones and lots of pain until my boss came down and got them to pay attention to me. I have two broken bones in my right foot, a chipped bone in my ankle (swollen), messed up my knee. The air bags scraped the heck out of my legs and face and whopped me in the chest pretty good. Today I feel like a truck hit me. Underneath it all, very thankful.


  1. Oh my goodness! I am so glad you are doing ok! I've been burned by airbags too, it's not fun! Praying you recover quickly!

  2. So very glad you're going to be OK. Car accidents are scary.

  3. Yikes! I am so sorry to have learned about your car accident. I am so glad you are OK. Not well but alive and doing OK considering. I will continue to pray for your healing. I think about you and your family often. I enjoy following your blog and keeping up on all the goings on. This is one sure way to get a "break." No pun intended. :) Please take care and keep in touch.

  4. Wow, so glad God decided to keep you around us for a while longer!Praying for a speedy recovery!

  5. SO glad you are ok!!! I just saw the pics of your van! SO thankful you weren't more badly hurt! Praying you heal completely and they gave you something for pain, I hope!
