06 January, 2008


Wow, what a disaster it almost was...
We made it to our appointment at the Embassy on Friday and we thought we were all prepared...First disaster was that I had accidentally left my PIN number at home so I had no access to cash through the ATM. We knew we were okay because the Embassy takes visa...well, of course their credit card machine was not working. Cash only. First panic of the morning. Our facilitator reassured us that we could pay on Monday as long as it was at least an hour before visa pick-up. I thankfully remembered that my PIN number was on the dashboard of my van which was parked at my daughter's house, so I was able to get that later in the day. So after about 2 hours of LOOONNNNG waiting time in a crowded room with two babes, we finally got called. We presented all our paperwork--- our 3 years taxes and my most recent pay stub. "Where is your W-2?" (oops) No W-2, no visa. Yikes. Okay so again, we needed to get it by Monday. So as soon as we got back I started communicating with my employer trying to get them to fax me a copy. No way, they say. It's confidential, they are not allowed. I started emailing my boss. The best option we were able to get them to agree to at first was to snail-mail me a copy...to GUATEMALA!!!!! It would have taken WEEKS!!! There I was, sitting in the Baby Lounge at the Marriot, crying my eyes out, wondering what the heck I was going to do. Finally, after 2 hours (literally) of emails, my boss convinced the super-high-ups to email me a copy. Tears of relief!!!
And just as a little icing on the cake...later that day when Stew and I were sitting in the Baby Lounge reflecting on the state of affairs, all of a sudden the whole room SHOOK!!!!! Down here they refer to it as "the shakes"...just a little 5.6 Richter EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my heck...what a day...
Sorry no pics...we both forgot our lappies and this computer does not take sd cards, so pics when we get home.
Oh, yesterday we took a tour of Antigua with Highland Tours, Juan Carlos. It was awesome and highly recommended!
Onnolee has the throw-up-icky-diaper crud. Once we get rid of that, everything should be great. She is just beautiful, and wants to be held all the time right now.


  1. Wow. Sounds like you have been through it! I hope all goes well tomorrow and that baby Onnolee is well quick! That is a yucky bug to have during such a special time! Please keep us posted!

  2. WOW!! When y'all do it up, you do it up right!!! You've got all the bumps in the road out of the way all at once! Give that Onnolee kisses from Missouri friends. We wish we were with you! cheri

  3. What a nightmare of errors and near misses. I hope you are home by now with all your angels and that Onnolee is better, you calmer and settled in. Lots of love!
