15 January, 2008

What next?

We've been facing one disaster after another for the past 2 weeks. We missed our connecting flight in Houston after arriving 45 minutes late and then taking over an hour to get through customs. There were no flights until the next morning so they set up a "discount" room for us. The shuttle that was supposed to take us there left us standing at the curb and drove off without us, leaving us to wait over an hour for the next shuttle. Our flight the next day was uneventful but Houston decided to keep one of our suitcases, the one with the babies' coats in it. The temperature in Salt Lake was 0 degrees. We had set aside one day to visit with our family in Salt Lake but instead spent it in Houston, so we barely had time to have dinner with our relatives so they could meet Onnolee. No major events on the drive home, thank goodness, but the two babies ended up with bad respiratory infections, and Estuardo had to go to the ER with his high fever and ended up with a major ear infection on top of the respiratory infection---he was very sick! And we no sooner got home than my body decided it was time for another kidney stone. Which decided it was going to stay stuck since Thursday and it still hasn't passed. So here I am trying to be happy and enjoy these two babies...on Percocet. All 3 of us are feeling a little better today finally. I took a few pics, hopefully will post them shortly.


  1. Lou,
    Things can only get better from here on out. With Onolee home, it's bound to be wonderful.

  2. Lou....BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!!! We should have gotten a peak at the happy momma. I'm so happy for you. God Bless, Cheri

  3. Hi Lou!
    You are finally home! Onolee is just adorable. How was the transition from foster mother to you? I worry Ana will be very sad. Anyway, we go for pick up on January 27th! I am so excited. Enjoy your new addition to your beautiful family!


  4. Lou! I have been waiting for you to post! Oh my goodness you have been through it! I am so sorry! Thank God that kidney stone waited to show its ugly face until you got back to the states-I just hate you got it at all! I hope all of you are on the mend now! Keep us posted and I love the pics!!!!!
    Kim Hanna

  5. It's so good that you made it, all of you in one piece at last and at least! Hopefully all the infections will pass along with the stone, the bad memories will fade and you'll keep the best of the memories along with the kids! Welcome home, Onnolee!!!
