28 September, 2008

Special for JOLENE

We adopted Jesse when he was almost 7 years old, a little cutie pie from South Dakota. He was a little fireball of energy and delight even though he had/has pretty severe cerebral palsy. Our pediatrician once told us that she thought cerebral palsy came with a happy gene because most kids with CP that she knew were so happy. Well anyway, at that time, Jesse's birth sister Jolene, who was 6 years older than he, was going through some rough times, residential placements and a disrupted adoption, so Mama Louise found out and said to send her on to us. So Jolene came to be my daughter at 13 years old, angry and disillusioned and determined she was'nt going to love anyone. I would like to think over the six years she spent with us that we changed her mind, because we sure did come to love her! She's a grown woman now, living in Alaska (!) and she just discovered Mom's blog. She emailed me yesterday and asked me to post some more pictures of her Jesse...Here you go Jolene, your goofy baby brother! I still love you a bunch!

Estuardo had to have a "cheese" turn too!!!


  1. Hi Jolene! I hope you read your Mom's comments and see now, through a woman's eyes, what a wonder she is! Doesn't Jesse look like a grown man now!? When I met him he was a little kid sitting in the back seat very busily emptying a bag of pretzels all over himself. Times sure change!

  2. What a neat story! And a great smile!!!
