16 October, 2008

One Word

One word is all we needed to change on one piece of our paperwork. Stew is headed to Santa Fe today to apostille and express mail. Hopefully by next Monday we will be back "in." Meanwhile, I am brainstorming for yet another fundraiser...
I am thinking since this is taking more time than we thought, it's time to fly up and visit Mom and Serena and her family.


  1. Glad it's simple and can be changed quickly.

    I've been wondering about asking a restaurant to have a fundraiser night for us. Have you ever done that? where a percentage of sales goes to you? Or maybe all coffee and dessert orders go to you?

    Might work... let me know what you think.

  2. Endless petty delays with the life of a child hanging in the balance, I can't console myself when the world seems so in chaos. You're always in my prayers.
