01 November, 2007

8 months old

Happy 8 month birthday baby Onnolee!
No new news this week. Guatemala is having presidential elections this weekend so everything is pretty much closed down. Maybe next week will bring the news we are all hoping for.


  1. Happy 8 Months Sweet Baby!!

  2. Lou...I know you are so anxious and your words of encouragement touch my heart. I've not been waiting for Malaena as long as you have, but I have days that I'm just ready to have her home. Estuardo is gorgeous!!!(so is Onnolee). I have a biological son and now am experiencing the adoption process. I will tell you that I am more emotional adopting than when having my son. I think the "NO NEWS" day-after-day is what keeps me unnerved. I just know after this time-off, the Guatemalan gov't is going to get-on-the-stick and get some of these adoptions rolling! Cheri

  3. Thanks Cheri!
    Malaena is a beautiful name...she's adorable too, I saw your pics! Yes, adoption is at least as emotional as having a biological baby---I think it activates adoption hormones. I hope both of our cases speed up and we can have our babies home soon!!! Hugs...
