06 July, 2008

Fourth of July

Unfortunately, very unfortunately, I did not bring a camera to fireworks last night. I ended up by myself with the 2 babies on the grass, as Stew sat back closer to the parking lot, on a bench with Jesse and Marisol, and Kory went wandering around with his 12 year old curiosity to see what all there was to see.
First of all, in 3 years living here, we had never been to Balloon Park, and there is REAL grass!!! It felt so good to go barefoot and to sit on. The two little ones didn't seem to know what it was . Onnolee just sat for many minutes with a puzzled look on her face feeling the sensation of it on her legs, and then leaned over for a very close staring session. After the novelty wore off, she had to be in my lap for the rest of the night. Meanwhile, Estuardo had taken off his boots and ended up barefoot the whole time, which is extremly strange for him. He loved the feel of that grass! He got so excited, he bent down and started doing SOMERSAULTS!!! I didn't even know a 2 year old could do somersaults yet! I think he must have learned that one watching Noggin channel on TV. He immediately befriended the 2 year old little girl who was sitting next to us and they ran around together for the rest of the evening. After awhile I had to corral him and force him to sit on my lap with Onnolee because it had gotten really dark and it was hard to keep track of him. He had been running back and forth and tossing his taggy blanket up in the air time after time, laughing, and having fun with his new friend. When fireworks started he quieted down and watched closely for the first fifteen minutes or so, and then he wanted to get back to business running around so it was a real challenge. At least by that time, Kory had gotten back to help me!!! Anyway, we had a fantastic time and it was a wonderful fireworks display. I am glad we got to go! Just wish I had pictures!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such an adventuresome 4th! I wonder what will happen the first time the little ones see the ocean!
