The directions are above... hmm, 7 random trivial facts about Mama...
#1- My absolute favorite snack is hot buttered popcorn with GARLIC...I thought that was strange, until I met my husband 5 years ago and he loves it too!
#2- Also food--- I absolutely hate chocolate frosting. I would rather eat cake plain than for it to have chocolate frosting. Too sweet for me.
#3- I never read ahead in a book to see what will happen. That's cheating.
#4- I LOVE cold weather. I love to snuggle up and keep warm. We lived in Florida for 18 years and a couple of blocks from the beach, and we never went. Too hot for me!
#5- My favorite book as a child was "The Family Nobody Wanted." When we played pretend I always had at least 12 children, and I dreamed of adopting lots of kids with special needs. That dream sure came true!!!
#6- I have a 1 year old daughter and my mom will be 90 in February. What a span! (I am 50.)
#7- I sometimes get up in the middle of the night to check my email.
Those are the 7 most random thoughts I could come up with...Now to pass it on...
I tag---
JOY at http://www.considertheadoptionoption.blogspot.com/ who also needs something to do while she waits---she may be headed overseas along with Michelle, Debbie, and me.
CHERI at http://harrisquest.blogspot.com/ , mama to beautiful Malaena-Sloan,
MEGHAN at http://www.thenewdickinsonfamily.com/ who is waiting for Timur
MICHELLE at http://www.theadoptionmirror.blogspot.com/ who is waiting for beautiful Katie Joy
LORI at http://theharrisfamilyest2003.blogspot.com/ waiting to bring her 2 precious angels home
COREY at http://www.gaynesadventuresinparenting.blogspot.com/ flying to Guatemala soon to bring home her twins
and LINDA at http://www.gathermychildren.blogspot.com/ , also waiting for a travel date to pick up her two little sweeties.
I knew we were twins separated at birth! I have "The Family Nobody Wanted" By Helen Doss on my blog profile reading list and had to buy it last year for EVERYONE when I found them on Alibris...
ReplyDeleteBTW, sorry about the double tag, but as you know I believe I am above the rules...LOL!
Yes, I love that book, too. I had to get my own copy since the one I read and read and read was from the school library.