22 November, 2008


My wife takes for ever to pack all she thinks she needs to travel. I did all my packing today in less then an hour, one of the reasons I didn't do it until today.
We are traveling to Salt lake in two stages because of critters and putting them up while we are gone and I have the wheel chair to take up and one to pick up. We maybe returning home at two different times depending on what we find out when we get there.
I am looking forward to getting a nice warm Russian fur hat to keep my bald head warm. It will be interesting to be learning and using a new language at the same time and to meet our little girl. I am for some reason really laid back on this adoption and can't figure out why and LOU is wired so she can be the excited one for both of us. We are wondering just what we will find and have to deal with when we get there and it has been interesting all the road blocks that have come up and been dealt with in a very short period of time from issues with the house, kids and work for her and I am in the process of going back to work and the interviews that I have had and they keep getting longer, don't know if that is a good or bad thing only time can answer that question.
Seven days before I leave the house and shut it up for a month. Hope I don't forget to shut everything off that needs to before I leave. I also have a 10 page paper for my college course to get done before I leave too.


  1. You are getting soooo close! I love your blog and the way your share about your family. I have a blog award for you at www.ralphcrew.blogspot.com. Come on over, when you have a free moment! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. It's fun to see how men and women differ--with packing, with emotions, etc.

  3. I don't think I've ever read your posts before, always Lou's LOL! Women are planners by nature, that's why we marry go-with-the-flow kinda guys so they can catch us when we crash LOL!
