10 November, 2008


Okay, no definite news today BUT our agency wrote to me that our facilitator hopes to have our appointment date by THURSDAY!!! I am excited!!! The wait is hard, for sure, but the uncertainty is the hardest. I will be happy to have the appointment date, no matter when it is for, so we can start to make definite plans for travel, for the holidays, for our family. So, knowing that we should have our appointment date on Thursday is ALMOST as good as the real thing...hope I can sleep until then...


  1. OK, this is the kind of news I was hoping to hear. Come on Thursday! I know I shouldn't be so antsy. I know there are other kiddos who need out of there sooner but . . . it IS hard to make plans for Christmas, child care etc. when ya just don't know.

  2. I hope you get news this week!

  3. I'm so happy to hear you should know soon!!

  4. I am so very happy for you. I know this has been a long time coming. You are ever so close to rescuing your baby girl. Every time we do something to get us a little bit closer it helps so much. We are counting the days until it is our turn to bring our son home too! Please give him a big hug and kiss for me and take lots of pictures too! I'll be keeping up with your post. I'm parying for a travel date for you and soon, very soon!
    What a blessing for you and your family for the holiday's. God's timing is the best timing!
