18 August, 2008

Home Visit

We had our homestudy home visit this morning for several hours. Our social worker is the same one who has worked with us for our Guatemalan adoptions and our stepparent adoptions so she is very familiar with our family. I think it went well. We are still waiting for police clearances and have a few more final docs to get to her, but hope to have our homestudy in 2 weeks.
I hope to hear about fingerprint appointments this week for USCIS. Tomorrow is our appointment for re-doing our physicals.
I am eagerly looking forward to the day we take our packet down to the Fedex office and send it on its way. Finishing paperwork is an occasion to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. Ack, I hate paperwork with a white hot intensity. I was just thinking that if I were that social worker I don't even know if I would knock myself out to come to the house again, I'd think by now you'd be able to just phone it in!
