23 August, 2008

Potty Training?

Well, for the first time, BOTH Estuardo and Onnolee sat on their potty chairs for a good 5 minutes together and looked at books after they had their baths. Yay!!! Up until now Estuardo has loudly refused to sit on his. He has been using his bowl as a cowboy hat! But finally, success.


  1. Ahhhhh Gotta love potty training. We're in the middle of it right now too. My favorite part of parenting. Not. Good luck!

  2. I'm not one to talk, I have trouble making it on time myself these days! Good luck, Lou! Maybe it will go easier with Estuardo and Onnolee being potty buddies than if they were each going it alone. I'm sure when one sees the other's success rewarded using the potty will turn into all the rage.
