15 August, 2008

Making Progress

Look at those eyes!!! They are amazing!!!
We are a little further in completing our dossier this week. We have all necessary documents for our homestudy, except the state background/child abuse clearance which should be here in the next couple of weeks. And our final home visit is on Monday, so we are still hoping to have our homestudy by the end of the month.
We are also hoping that USCIS will help expedite our paperwork. We have notified them of Mattea Olena's medical needs. We filed our I-824 a week ago but we need to update expired fingerprints.
Completed dossier goal is still Sept. 1...
Now we are full speed ahead with our fundraising. Over to the right side of our blog is a link to our magazine fund raiser that has some pretty good deals, I thought. And there is also Mattea's "button" at the top. If you click on that one it will take you to our Reece's Rainbow sponsorship page, where anyone can make a tax-deductible donation to her grant fund. Locally, I am carrying around a treat basket with candy bars, beef jerky, and little bags of pistachio nuts that I am selling for $1.00 each. It is a pretty popular basket on night shift at the hospital! (Chocolate!!!)


  1. "...update expired fingerprints..." I can't get over how intricately difficult every adoption has become, especially considering your track record and how time is of the essence for Olena.

  2. wow you're doing great! And she does have beautiful eyes!
