29 August, 2008

That infamous piece of paper

All the rushing around this past week has paid off. Yesterday we were a little shaken when we found out we would have to submit a new I-600A, that they would be unable to change the country on our "half-used" I-171H, because the visa had already been issued in Guatemala. I thought we would have another 6 week wait. But... the USCIS adoptions officer in Albuquerque has a heart for international adoption. New I-600A submitted 8/29/2008, new I-171H received 8/29/2008!!!!!!!! I am amazed. As soon as our paperwork has been proofread by our agency, and I have the word, we are heading to Santa Fe for apostille. The following day our completed dossier will be in the hands of our agency! I am SO GRATEFUL to our social worker Cindi Rose for whipping out an awesome homestudy for us in record time, and to our fantastic USCIS adoption officer for expediting our paperwork...
Look at the dates...


  1. Congratulations! This is amazing, God is amazing!! I can't wait for your precious little girl to come home. She has stolen many hearts in the RR family. Congrats again!

  2. Wow! ASTOUNDING! It's your reputation and the social worker chatting you up all over the place, don't you think so too? I am thinking that if you and Stew are considering any more adoptions for your future, best to do them pre-Idaho, because you have an AMAZING team right where you are!

  3. Congratulations! I wish you the best.

  4. I will be praying for you.
