30 August, 2008


Our dossier should be heading to our agency in the next couple of days. I am now praying for yet another miracle as the time approaches to travel. We need to raise a very lot of money in a really short time. I am having the faith that the way will come and exploring all possibilities. Anyone who has gone before me, please "comment" with ideas for fundraising, grants, any inspiration. It is a daunting thought. I want to be sure I am doing all I can.


  1. I have done so much fund raising, so I hear you.

    One thing you may be able to do quickly is have people host GNO's. You can read about them on my blog www.hopeforthehollises.blogspot.com to read about the different ways that my girlfriends have helped me. Another quicky is to have a yard sale where people donate.
    Where do you live? There is another thing, but it is a new ministry and I am not sure if it is available there yet. You could also read about it on my blog, it is called Both Hands.

    ps, saw your blog on the fund raiser yahoo group.
    Katie Jo

  2. Lou, it is so exciting that everything is moving so quickly for you. Part of me is honestly jealous (I'm sorry) but I know God is leading each of us. Hopefully we won't be too far behind you.
