14 December, 2008

Lay's Crab Chips, the Big Supermarket, and MORE PICS!!!

Here are some pics from our visits...Mattea is relaxing more every day and starting to reach out and interact with all of us.

She really enjoys fruit leather. Once the staff realized it was fruit and not chocolate, they were okay with me giving it to her. I have to break it into tiny pieces.
Estuardo mingling with the doctors...
Onnolee and one of the docs...
Chilling in the playroom
Estuardo has lots of fun with the blocks.
A quiet moment.

Some pics of Mattea...

There were three walls full of these little boots all lined up outside Mattea's classroom.
We have improvised on the tub toys.
I keep forgetting to post about the potato chips! Seems the folks here have different tastes--- the top flavors are bacon, chicken, and crab! And they are addicting!!! My favorites are the crab and the bacon. And I thought I was going to lose weight...
Stew has been laid up the past few days with an intestinal bug and still feels too weak to go out, so Estuardo and I ventured to the BIG supermarket today, with the much appreciated help of our driver. It was probably three times the size of the market we have been going to, but our facilitator recommended it because they have uncooked meat as opposed to the ham and smoked meats at the smaller market. The prices continue to amaze me, but I guess it is relative to the lower wages here. I bought some chicken and beef for today and tomorrow. We've mostly been eating ham, potatoes and cabbage up until now so that will be a nice change. My whole cart full of groceries was less than $40. Three huge bagfuls that the driver helped me carry up the four flights of stairs (SPASIBA!!!)
Now I am off to finish up the final week of my online class. I will be glad to have that one stress out of the way.
Prayers for those in the process and especially for the others who are travelling.
Hugs and love to Mom, Serena, Kory, Jesse, Marisol, Enoch, Elijah, Isabella, Ava, and all the rest of family and friends following our journey. See you soon!


  1. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful pictures! Mattea is such a pretty little girl. I just love her smile in the picture posted above the picture of the shoes.:) Praying that Stew feels better soon and that the rest of your trip goes smoothly and quickly for you.

  2. The pictures are great! I can tell she already is bonding with all of you!
    Thanks for the advice on the chips, we passed on our last visit, so now we will have to try at least the crab ones...

  3. WOW....I wish i had as much energy as you do!! I was surprised to see you were adopting another angel!! Blessings to you and your family!!! she is going to be really happy! congrats!

  4. Lu & Stew & kiddos,
    We hope you are enjoying your trip, love all the pictures of the kiddos. Mattea is a beautiful little girl, she looks pretty tiny. We hope all goes smooth for you.So you can hurry home. Jody

  5. I love all the pics! I hope you are having an unforgettable time.

  6. All of the pictures are just miraculous to me. The kids and you and Pops all look so happy and relaxed. Just wonderful stuff. Thanks so much for posting all of these pics and sharing everything that's going on with Mattea and the adoption. You're amazing!

  7. Awesome pics. I hadn't been following along with many blogs as they are all saved to my favorites on my PC and I had my son's lap top in VN. I'm so glad things are going well, not including the horrid cost of getting back home, OUCH, and Stew's tummy trouble :o( .

    Praying for ease and speed in getting Mattea home.
