12 December, 2008


I knew things were going too smoothly...
Everything is wonderful with Mattea Olena. We continue to visit twice a day, all of us in the morning and just me in the afternoon. She is slowly opening up, and the visits get more interactive every day. I brought her some type of berry or grape juice today and she got very excited to have it! And she had to explore Papa's beard. She was also more interested in the babies today, reaching out several times to interact.
Our court date is next Wednesday! Unfortunately, due to the holidays, even if we have the ten-day wait waived, everything will shut down before we finish, so we are probably all coming home on the 18th, next Thursday. The problems started when we called Delta yesterday to try to change our flights. Just the change of dates was going to cost us $4000! Which we do not even have. So I spent the rest of the day spiralling downward trying to figure out what to do. At least one of us would need to get home to pick up the other kids and take them home for Christmas. If only we were a little richer. If only I had a few more weeks of vacation time. Then the solution would have been easy. So I just spent 2 hours on the internet, and finally found us some one-way tickets for a total of $2900. Still pretty bad, but at least I could pay for them. I did have to use my entire savings that was supposed to pay for my return trip though, so I sure do hope I can find some overtime shifts when I get back.
We have learned much from our visit here.
Did I mention that neither of our apartments has had a washing machine? Mom, we have been handwashing all of our clothes since Day One! That is definitely a humbling experience. The detergents they sell at the store actually are marked with a special symbol if they are appropriate for handwashing, and have hand and machine washing instructions on the box.
We are eating less, walking MUCH more, and once we got over the jet lag, we have been getting along much better than we even get along at home. We travel to the orphanage by taxi twice a day. Our facilitator set it up that the driver shows up at set times. If we need to stop somewhere, we either point to a list or we call the facilitator and she translates to the driver for us.
The babies have fully adjusted to the time change, thankfully, and they are both also learning how to walk longer distances. At first, Estuardo insisted upon being carried, I think because he was frightened of the unfamiliar surroundings. Now he is walking 90 per cent of the time. And he is so cute when he tells our taxi driver "Spasiba!" as we are getting out!
I am feeling homesick the past couple of days. I guess everyone has gone through this? And yesterday was very frightening when it felt like we were abandoned here with no way home. But I am feeling a little better now that we have tickets home.
Mom, Serena, and all, Hi and BIG HUGS! We will be there very late on Dec. 18 thanks to Aerosvit and Jet Blue airlines.


  1. Oh Lou I am so sorry for the troubles. I can only imagine how hard it will be leave her and come home. Hopefully the time will pass quickly until you bring Mattea home for good!

    Saying lots of prayers for you all

  2. Those holidays can be crazy. I'm sorry you're not able to finish up before they all hit.

    We ran into exactly the same thing with flights when we traveled - except we had intentionally traveled one way. We're glad we did because we were in country 2 weeks longer than planned and didn't have a for sure "done" date until three days before we came home (and the day before we left the region.) The only tickets we could find to get us all home were over $2,000 EACH...and that was only to get us to New York. Multiply that by 5 and we were in real trouble.

    What we ended up doing was calling a not well know US travel agent - not one that "specializes" in helping adoptive families, but the one that did all my dad's business travel arrangments. I had no internet access, nor did I have time, in our region in which to find any "deals" on my own. Plus, any tickets we would have bought there would have required cash - a comodity we were OUT of. All we could do was call the travel agent lady and pray for a miracle. We gave her some suggestions of some funky routing to try (like through Prauge or Budapest or the Netherlands)and she took it from there. I called her back the next day and we were indeed granted a miracle. She found us all tickets all the way home for about $950 per person (very cheap considering it was the peak of peak season.) We ended up going from Kiev to Budapest, had a 5 hr layover in Budapest, and then flew direct from Budapest to JFK. We overnighted in New York (THE shortest night of my life, by the way) and flew home the next day.

    I know it's probably a mute point for this leg of the journey, but that might be something you can try if you need to for round 2.

  3. Hello Lou, Stew and kiddos,
    I am so sorry for the trouble you are having. I can only imagine how frustating your day has been. I am praying for your court day next week, your time with Mattea in between and all the ups and downs of the trip. I'm proud of you for all you've been through to rescue your sweet baby girl. I will be glad for you when she is finally home with you for good. I know your ready to be home with your family for Christmas. You'll have alot to look forward to in the New Year! Know that I am praying for each of you! I hope you can enjoy your day today!

  4. Lou and family,

    We're so sorry to hear of the stress regarding flights home-- we're glad that you found something, and also that your little ones are adjusting well and your little girl is warming up to your family! Just wanted you to know that we are praying for you, and that God will watch over your family.

    Praying God will give you His peace in your difficult circumstances... :)

    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind, in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4: 4-6

    In Christ's Love,
    the Adamsons

  5. Lou,

    I get teary eyed every time I read the adventures that your family is going through. You are a very wonderful woman! I am keeping you in my prayers!

    BTW, The kids loved their quilts! They new blankets of choice to sleep with. I am going to get some pictures of them one of these days and send it to your email. Thank you so much!

  6. The curse of travelling in December, getting caught with horrid holiday fares. we got smaked too, Delta actually canceled my ticket home and my husband spent 2 days finding an affordable one way ticket for Kara and I. It was $2500 for ours. I am osrry you are facing this issue, i was hoping it would work out better for you.

  7. Oh no! We too have booked with Delta and their fine print says $200 per change...maybe we got different ones?
    Either way, so sorry you exhausted your savings. We will support you however we can! HUGS and Prayers for you!
